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Beautiful Same-Day Crowns in Knoxville

Image of a woman smiling in a mirror with a healthy smile.

Every tooth plays a unique and vital role, so when one is compromised or missing, your oral health is jeopardized. At Isom Dentistry, we offer same-day crowns to cover and protect your tooth, repairing its functionality and protecting the natural tooth structure. We believe your dental restorations should blend beautifully with your smile, which is why we provide custom crowns that look and feel natural.

We are proud to provide crowns in one day in Knoxville, and our office is conveniently located on Ball Camp Pike. You can trust that we will welcome you like family and treat you with respect, regardless of the situation that resulted in a broken or compromised tooth. Contact us today to learn more about how our same-day crowns can restore the integrity of your bite and the fullness of your smile.


Do I Need a Same-Day Crown?

A same-day crown offers the full protection of a traditional crown without the waiting period. If you have a chipped, broken, or severely decayed tooth, then our custom same-day crowns may be the solution you need. Our team offers dental crowns in a day to safeguard your oral health and maintain the appeal of your smile. We craft durable dental restorations that protect your natural teeth and rejuvenate your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

Conventional and Cosmetic Dental Crowns in One Day

If you have a tooth that is compromised, then it's necessary to get a dental restoration to safeguard it from further damage or infection. A traditional crown protects a weak or decaying tooth by recreating the surface area and providing a durable protective shell so the forces exerted when you chew food don't damage your natural tooth.

Cosmetic crowns restore the beauty and shape of your tooth to create an aesthetically pleasing smile. We carefully craft a restoration that rejuvenates the appeal of your smile, and we can color-match your new cosmetic crown with our in-house CEREC® machine. If we cannot perfectly match the color, then we use a trusted lab to create your cosmetic dental crown to ensure a beautifully blended smile.

Our Same-Day Crown Process

Image of a model depicting a dental crown.

We understand that when your tooth is compromised, it impacts your day and quality of life. That's why we offer same-day crowns to get you out of pain and back to your day. A broken tooth can have sharp edges that irritate the inside of your cheeks, lips, and tongue, but our custom same-day crowns recreate the smooth finish and bite pattern while protecting your natural tooth from damage and infection.

Our dentist begins with a thorough exam with measurements and images of your dental structures we gather with our scanner. Once we have created a dental crown that matches the measurements and aesthetics of your natural teeth, we use CEREC to create your custom crown. The dentist will shape your existing tooth and then set and seal your same-day crown.

Implant-Supported Crowns

A dental implant is the only dental restoration that replaces an entire tooth from root to crown. That's why we offer implant-supported crowns to renew your bite pattern and protect your natural teeth from uneven wear caused by a missing dental crown. Dental implants consist of an implant post, an abutment, and a prosthetic tooth or crown. The implant post performs the vital function of your natural tooth root and stimulates your jawbone, which prevents bone loss and preserves your facial structure. We use a lab where a trusted team will artfully match the size, shape, and color of your crown to your natural teeth for a seamless look.

Dental Crowns in One Day FAQs

Same-day crowns can seem like a complex treatment, and it's normal to have questions. That's why we encourage you to voice your questions and concerns. We are happy to provide the answers and resources you need to make an informed decision about your treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about same-day crowns in Knoxville:

Are same-day crowns the same as temporary crowns?

No. Temporary crowns aren't as durable as normal restorations and should be replaced with your custom dental crown as soon as possible. Same-day crowns are strong, tailored to fit you specifically, and designed to last for many years.

We carefully create a crown that fits comfortably within your arch of teeth to help ensure it feels natural. If we need to shape your natural tooth to place the crown, we offer sedation options to maximize your comfort.

Same-day crowns can last a decade or more when you care for them properly. Our dentist will provide helpful tips and instructions so you can increase the longevity of your dental restoration.

Custom Same-Day Crowns in Knoxville

We believe you deserve quality dental care, especially when a tooth breaks and you need a timely solution. At Isom Dentistry, we offer custom dental crowns in a day to restore your ability to eat and smile with confidence. Our team is committed to protecting your oral health with reliable services, and you can count on us to boost your oral health with our lifelike crowns. You can trust us to craft a dental crown that fits and looks great, regardless of which tooth needs the restoration. From incisors to molars, our same-day crowns in Knoxville are strong and dependable. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

